10 Marvel Characters That Could Beat the Justice League

The Justice League banded together
Credit: DC

The Justice League banded together
Credit: DC

The Justice League and the Avengers are easily two of the most recognizable superhero teams in the wondrous world of comic books and their popularity has stood the test of time, making crossovers to different mediums.

Though both Marvel and DC franchises have had their own share of multiple heroic alliances, when it comes to having the more popular and prominent heroes, there is no doubt the Marvel Cinematic Universe has successfully debuted major comic book heroes on the big screens compared to the DCEU.

In this article, we'll be listing down 10 Marvel characters that could beat the Justice League in battle.

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: Justice League vs. Avengers: Who Would Win?

Doctor Doom

Doctor Doom showcasing his powers
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Credit: Marvel Comics

Doctor Doom has yet to make his MCU debut, but given that Fantastic Four is likely going to move forward in the near future, it will only be a matter of time before we get to see him in action.

The ancient sorcerer's ability to absorb and project energies, manipulate electricity, travel through dimensions, and even summon hordes of otherworldly creatures could just as easily imply he could solo the Justice League if given the chance.


Galactus would be able to take down the Justice League
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Credit: Marvel Comics

Galactus' powers of destroying his enemies rely entirely on destroying existence.

Consider this: his cosmic powers allow him to utilize any space-based force fields, energy projection, and teleportation, combined with his immortality and ability to create life out of nothing, he's basically a god. Defeating Superman would be a cinch for this supervillain.

Carol Danvers aka Captain Marvel

Carol Danvers returns in The Marvels this November
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Credit: Marvel

Captain Marvel's cosmic powers should be more than enough of a clue to indicate that Carol could take on the Man of Steel and Wonder Woman on her own, which is exactly how she battled with Thanos and the Kree previously.

Seeing as we've barely scratched the surface of Captain Marvel unlocking her full root of powers, The Marvels could expound on what we know about the extent of her strength and durability going up against formidable foes (and heroes like Justice League).

Doctor Strange

Doctor Strange, the Sorcerer Supreme
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Credit: Marvel

His title as the Sorcerer Supreme is nothing to sneeze at. Not only has he managed to learn centuries of knowledge behind the Master of the Mystic Arts in the nick of time, but he became strong enough to surpass the initial Sorcerer Supreme when she died.

Partnered with his intelligence in facing galactic forces and foes, the only thing stopping Doctor Strange is his mortal life.

However, since Marvel's Multiverse technically granted him to transfer his soul to another of his variants (even as far as to an undead one), Doctor Strange is as undefeatable as he gets.

Not to mention, he also gained the all-knowing eye, which we'll likely see in action in Doctor Strange 3 once it comes to fruition.

The Scarlet Witch

Wanda transforms into the Scarlet Witch in the Multiverse of Madness
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Wanda unleashed her fullest potential when she transformed into the Scarlet Witch in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.

Though taking over Westview and holding the citizens as hostages was not a good look on her, you've got to admit that her powers to create illusions and make her own reality come true means trouble for the Justice League.

And that's not everything she can do, since she also has telekinetic powers with the Mind Stone backing up her source of magic, as well as manipulating the minds of her foes to turn against their own comrades.

READ MORE: Top 9 Strongest Female MCU Heroes Ranked

Sentry / Void

The Sentry might as well be Marvel's Superman
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Credit: Marvel Comics

Marvel's Superman should already give you a hint as to why he belongs on this list. Split between his main hero alter ego (Sentry) and his dark side (Void), the latter side is a dark entity that no one - not even the Gods themselves - could ever avoid getting destroyed from.

As powerful as the Justice League is, the combination of Sentry and Void would be all too powerful to stop one fight against one another.


Mephisto is reportedly debuting in Agatha: Coven of Chaos
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Credit: Marvel Comics

In line with WandaVision, Mephisto is reportedly debuting in the spinoff, Agatha: Coven of Chaos, whose existence could potentially build the new coven of witches in their attempt to take Billy Maximoff's powers for their own.

Mephisto is essentially Satan, and what makes him a terrifying villain to come up against is it wouldn't be fair game, considering just how easily he could lead the Justice League members into temptation.


Dormammu, Doctor Strange has come to bargain
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Credit: Marvel

Doctor Strange may have defeated Dormammu when he came to bargain back in his 2016 debut film, but only because of the Sorcerer's Supreme's training and intelligence on the matter.

However, when facing this inter-dimensional entity that rules over the Dark Dimension in the Marvel Universe, the Justice League would have to include someone who could counter or surpass Dormammu's existence and purpose.


Deadpool and the Multiverse against the world
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Credit: Marvel

The Merc with the Mouth is already unstoppable in his abilities and near-immortality alone, how much more once he joins the Marvel Cinematic Universe and discovers the powers behind the Multiverse?

His ability to break the fourth wall with the audience could just as easily be his strongest feat, which would lead to two things in a fight with Justice League: ending with comedic relief and Deadpool winning or an unlimited battle to shrink Deadpool into his unhealable form.


Thanos with the Infinity Gauntlet
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Credit: Marvel

It took the Avengers years before they could even defeat the Mad Titan from its entire form, and it was only because Thanos had used the Infinity Gauntlet to the end of its wits.

Thor may have sliced his head clean off his body, but with the Multiverse in the way, past Thanos has conquered universes all on his own alongside his loyal intergalactic armies.

His thick skin protects his centric shell that keeps him alive, and similar to a fight with Deadpool, it's a never-ending battle to the death to take Thanos down.

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