Watch Trippy Announce Trailer for PSVR's Tetris Effect

With E3 coming next week, Playstation has shown released this announce trailer for a trippy-looking VR game called Tetris Effect. I don't even know what the game is about, but based on what I'm seeing, it's going to be a visual (and if not sonic) treat.

From Tetsuya Mizuguchi and the same people who brought you the award-winning Rez Infinite and Lumines comes the new PS4 game TETRIS® EFFECT.

Named after a real-world phenomenon where players' brains are so engrossed that images of the iconic falling Tetrimino blocks (i.e. the Tetris playing pieces) linger in their vision, thoughts, and even dreams, TETRIS EFFECT amplifies this magical feeling of total immersion by surrounding you with fantastic, fully three-dimensional worlds that react and evolve based on how you play. Music, backgrounds, sounds, special effects—everything, down to the Tetris pieces themselves, pulse, dance, shimmer, and explode in perfect sync with how you're playing.

The game promises more than 30 different stages, and they will take you anywhere from under the sea to outer space. It also promises to keep the core game of Tetris, but with a more psychedelic feel which includes a lot of different features.

I'm not a big fan of VR myself, being more invested in more traditional games, but watching this trailer makes me want to pick Tetris Effect up. Not only is it going to be a puzzle game, but the psychedelic sounds and visuals make you feel like you're on acid.


Expect more to be revealed about Tetris Effect next week in E3 2018.

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