Todd Howard Knows When Elder Scrolls VI is Coming Out

It really says something about Bethesda's reputation when all the company has to do is show off a logo to get fans talking. That's what the company did in this year's E3, showing off The Elder Scrolls VI in a ridiculously short teaser trailer. Still, fans went crazy and everyone is excited for the next game in this acclaimed RPG series.

Todd Howard, the man who announced the game and has been involved in various Elder Scrolls titles, actually knows when the next installment is coming out. Of course, Howard didn't give the release date away but he did give a subtle hint about the systems it would be coming to.

Speaking with Game Slice, Howard said he won't be giving the release date away since the people in Bethesda are still working on the game. But he did say that technology is close to having what they need to make Elder Scrolls VI a reality, which could mean that it won't be coming out on PS4 or Xbox One.

"We've obviously taken our time with [The Elder Scrolls 6], as opposed to jumping right into it. We know what we want it to be, and that's gonna take time, technology, other things that we need to build to to really pull it off. And that's what that franchise deserves."

When the game was announced with no date, it was clear that we wouldn't be getting the next installment anytime soon. However, knowing that the game might be a next-gen title will likely get a mixed response.

Elder Scrolls VI does not have a public release date.

Read:E3: Bethesda Announces Elder Scrolls: Blades for Mobile Devices

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