Solo: A Star Wars Story Just Passed The Empire Strikes Back At The Box Office

Solo: A Star Wars Story might have underperformed at the box office, but it seems like Lucasfilm's latest Star Wars spinoff isn't the lowest-performing film in the Star Wars franchise anymore.

According to the Box Office Mojo,Solo just recently reached $210 million at the domestic box office after 6.4 weeks in cinemas. That's a little over the $209.4 million domestic haul of Star Wars' 1980 film, The Empire Strikes Back, making Solo the 9th best performing film out of ten in the Star Wars franchise.

Of course, while these numbers don't necessarily count for inflation and reissues, it's great to see Solo doing some good at the box office after slogging in cinemas. The film got pretty decent reviews from fans and critics, however, because of a number of factors the film did very poorly at both the domestic and international box office.

However, while some fans seem to put the blame on the backlash against Star Wars: The Last Jedi rippling and affecting the Han Solo standalone movie, analysts say that one of the major reasons why Solo flopped was because of the poor marketing campaign dealt by Disney. The film didn't see any major marketing push before its premiere. It also didn't help that the film had major directorial shake-ups during production. Guess this is a wake-up call for both Disney and Lucasfilm in terms of hiring and handling their creatives.

Solo: A Star Wars Story is currently screening in cinemas.

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