Injustice 2 Gets Its Promised Gameplay Trailer With Robin in It

Making good on its promise for more sneak peeks for Injustice 2, NetherRealm Studios has delivered a new gameplay trailer. Not only does it feature some more action scenes, we also get another character confirmed.

Robin, aka Damian Wayne, will be in the game. The new character certainly has the flair for a grand entrance, but perhaps a very interesting move would be his ability to teleport right behind the enemy. That’s mighty convenient for any player looking for strategy more than just smashing buttons.

He makes great use of his sword and explosives, kicking a lot of ass not just with Batman, but also Aquaman. As if the sword slashes aren’t enough, he’ll hit you with several exploding throws at a time before disappearing in the shadow of the night.

Even though Robin’s addition is certainly a cause for celebration among fans, NetherRealm Studios’ Ed Boon also teased during the livestream that there will be “obscure characters” coming to the lineup.



Well that’s a promise that fans will surely be looking forward to, especially since Injustice 2 is set to have the largest roster to date for the developer. Add the removal of any pay-to-win mechanics that turns off a lot of gamers, and we have ourselves a great successor with a lot of potential.

Injustice 2 will be out on the PS4 and Xbox One on May 16. Codes for the beta are already being rolled out on a wave basis.

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