EA Plans To Tap Gamers For A “Moral Compass” To Avoid Scandals Like Battlefront II

There was a lot of controversy when Star Wars Battlefront II released in November last year. Sure, gamers were excited to get their hands on the beautifully designed Star Wars game, but EA sparked a whole lot of outrage because of its loot box system.

The loot boxes were one of the most important elements for player advancement, however, EA's progression system seemed to be designed to force players to purchase crates with actual money to advance quickly in the game. This was met with overwhelming backlash from gamers, affecting the sales of the Star Wars Battlefront sequel.

Now, in an interview with Games Industry, Matt Bilbey, EA's executive vice president of strategic growth, discusses ways how the video game company plans to avoid the backlash like this in the future.

"I ran a team internally with Patrick post-Battlefront to actually redesign our game development framework and testing platforms to ensure we're giving our game teams the right guidance--we'll call it an EA moral compass--at the beginning of development so that we're designing our live service early, we're testing it early, testing it with gamers who are giving us feedback so we ensure those pillars of fairness, value, and fun are true."

This means that EA is going to be more sensitive about the way it structures its games, allowing actual gamers to check their projects development process as early as they can. Having customer feedback early on in development is a pretty great way of keeping in touch with the market – and it definitely helps in avoiding riots like what happened with Star Wars Battlefront II. EA's certainly trying to learn from its mistakes. The only hope now is that the company follows through with its promises, communicating with gamers early on in the development of its upcoming projects.

Read: Emperor Palpatine and Ewok Hunt Return in Latest Star Wars Battlefront II Update

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