Deadpool Creator Rob Liefeld Celebrates Dan DiDio's Firing

Dan DiDio might be gone from DC Comics but his complicated legacy will live on, with many creators expressing their sadness over his sudden release from the company. As we wonder what's next for DiDio, it is quite nice to see all of these comic book creators praise DiDio, from Jeff Lemire to Scott Snyder, Tom King, Gail Simone, and so much more. Unfortunately, there are some prominent comic creators who are pleased to see him go, one of whom is pretty darn popular,

Rob Liefeld, the co-creator of Deadpool and writer/artist for a new Snake Eyes series, has had a complicated history with the comic book publisher, is quite happy with DidDio's firing. The comic creator is currently reveling over the fact that DiDio is gone and it's pretty disrespectful, to be honest. While DiDio wasn't perfect and was responsible for some bad comic books, there were also a number of hits published under him, including Harley Quinn and Omega Men.

Liefeld's gloating has led to a number of comic book creators turning on him, like Pete Woods and Dan Slott. We can't blame them since this is pretty petty behavior, not just for a comic book creator with a job but a human being in general.

Once again, DiDio wasn't a perfect human being but the fact that a number of comic book creators are going to miss him means he did a lot to help them out. DiDio loved comics and we can only hope that his possible replacement also loves them.

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