Would a Guardians of the Galaxy Spinoff Movie for Groot Work?

The ragtag band of space adventurers and misfits had led the sleeper hit Guardians of the Galaxy so far into fans' hearts that it only takes a sight of Baby Groot to bring up the hype for the sequel.

And this popularity has been insane, the next questions that some may ask is: what would happen to the idea of a Guardians of the Galaxy spinoff movie?

This is exactly the question that Vin Diesel, the actor who provides the voice for Groot, had said in an interview with MTV International.

"It's something that James Gunn has talked about and something that I knew he would love to do. Sure, I think it could be very interesting. I think it's inevitable. That character is so enigmatic and he was already one of the most unique characters in the Marvel universe, and I think what Marvel has done, and what James Gunn has done to realize that character, has exceeded beyond anyone's expectations."

Diesel pointed out that one storyline that a standalone movie can pursue is Groot's home planet. From there, the story can explore the entire world and how he came about that maddening catchphrase "I am Groot."

It's also interesting that the execs at Marvel have already discussed the topic amongst themselves. At first glance, it might be hard to pull off a Groot-centric movie. How can you, when your proposed main character can only speak three words at a time, lest you ruin the joke?

But as The Guardian pointed out, the odd and daring superhero movies have received great praises, from Deadpool to Guardians of the Galaxy and even to the daring approach to Logan, there's something to be said about experimental approaches that can overturn even the household names in the superhero world.

We'll just have to see if this little seed of idea over at Marvel will blossom into a standalone. Assuming that this is all part of the Marvel Grand Plan with the main goal of telling a cohesive story, I don't see why it won't turn out to be a success.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 will be out in theaters on May 5.

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