One Piece Chapter 1089 Release Date and Time, Spoilers

One Piece Chapter 1089 Release Date and Time, Spoilers
Credit: Toei Animation

One Piece Chapter 1089 Release Date and Time, Spoilers
Credit: Toei Animation

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Garp’s mission to rescue Koby from Hachinosu is a success! But what will happen to his sacrifice? And what about the siege on Egghead Island, where Luffy and his crew are still fighting for their lives? All these will happen in One Piece Chapter 1089!

One Piece’s most recent chapters are jampacked with action and suspense!

Will the strongest anime characters, such as Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji, survive the tidal waves that come along their way?

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Here’s the Release Date of One Piece Chapter 1089

Here’s the Release Date of One Piece Chapter 1089
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Credit: Toei Animation

One Piece Chapter 1089 is set to be released on August 6, 2023, in regions such as the US, the UK, and Europe.

In Japan, Chapter 1089 will drop on August 7, 2023. This is a week’s delay due to the scheduled break of the One Piece manga.

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Here’s the Release Time of One Piece Chapter 1089

Here’s the Release Time of One Piece Chapter 1089
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Credit: Toei Animation

In Japan, One Piece Chapter 1089 is set to be released on August 7, 2023, at 12:00 AM JST.

If this information remains correct and no sudden breaks are announced, the following release times are expected to apply to various locations:

  • Pacific Time: 8:00 AM (August 6, 2023)
  • Central Time: 10:00 AM (August 6, 2023)
  • Eastern Time: 11:00 AM (August 6, 2023)
  • British Time: 4:00 PM (August 6, 2023)

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One Piece Chapter 1089 COUNTDOWN

One Piece Chapter 1089 COUNTDOWN

The countdown above follows the expected Eastern Time release of One Piece Chapter 1089.

Here’s What Happened Before One Piece Chapter 1089

Here’s What Happened Before One Piece Chapter 1089
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Credit: Toei Animation

The title of One Piece Chapter 1089 is The Final Lesson, and it begins with a blast from the past in the former Navy headquarters.

We can see Vice Admiral Garp teaching new marines, including a young and timid Koby.

Garp asks his students what they would do if they were on a boat that can hold a maximum of two with a baby and an old man. Worse, they are stranded on an island full of ferocious beasts.

Koby answered that he would get off the boat on behalf of the other two passengers, much to Garp’s disgust.

Apparently, Garp wants Koby to abandon the old man. He believes that as a marine, Koby should keep in mind that there’s more ahead of him than some old man without a future.

Later, a Marine instructor scolds Garp, arguing that his lecture defies the saying that all lives are equal, which Garp rejects, saying that the potential of youth is limitless.

Here’s What Happened Before One Piece Chapter 1089
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Credit: Toei Animation

In another flashback in Amazon Lily, a few weeks after the incident involving Boa Hancock, Black Beard, and his crew agree to leave the island as long as he can take 800 marine prisoners and a battleship.

Captain Koby offers a bargain, asking Blackbeard to take him instead of his men. Vice Admiral Yamakaji stands in the back, not doing anything because they haven’t received permission to engage with the Blackbeard pirates.

In the present day, near Hachinosu, everyone on Garp’s battleship is in a pinch after Avalo Pizarro’s sudden counterattack.

Their cannon fire is ineffective against the humongous hand that emerged from the island.

Because of this, everyone prepares to abandon the ship in order to save their lives.

Somewhere in Hachinosu, Grus, Koby, and Helmeppo are panicking about the situation of the passengers on Garp’s ship.

They ask Garp about what they should do, to which Garp replies that all three of them got this after the opening that he will give them.

Garp instructs Koby to go after the island monster’s hand and smash it into pieces.

He also asks Grus to protect the ship from falling debris while ordering Helmeppo to make sure that no one gets in Grus and Koby’s way.

All three of them are contemplating Garp’s instructions, but the latter encourages his men to never second-guess themselves in the heat of the moment.

That’s when Grus, Koby, and Helmeppo start to move, alarming the onlookers.

Along the way, Grus asks Koby if he can do it, but the latter replies that he just has to figure something out, even if the island monster’s hand is big enough to crush a battleship in its palm.

Helmeppo tries his best to support Koby and Grus by buying more time.

On the other hand, Garp is able to stand despite having a critical injury, much to Kuzan’s surprise. Garp even mocks Kuzan, saying that his wound is just a scratch.

Kuzan responds that he was worried about Garp, but all of a sudden, Garp charges toward Kuzan, punching him to the ground.

Afterward, Garp jumps from one roof to another until he reaches the giant skull. He uses an attack called "Galaxy Divide," punching the giant skull and splitting it in half in the process.

Quickly, Koby and Grus understood that it was the opening that Garp told them about. Grus asks Koby what he will do now, but Koby says that he will live up to Garp’s expectations.

In a brief flashback, Garp recalls his conversation with Helmeppo about Koby’s hard work. He observes that Koby has been improving a lot, but he can’t understand why he always looks so beat up.

Helmeppo reveals that Koby has been working ten times harder than anyone else. In addition to Garp’s secret training regime, Koby has been sneaking off to work out more.

In fact, Koby never misses a day hitting one of the battleship bags until his fists peel and bleed.

As this happens, Koby prepares to attack the island monster’s hand with a technique called "Honesty Impact", causing an uproar and disbelief from the onlookers, including the Blackbeard pirates and the passengers of Garp’s ship.

Here’s What Happened Before One Piece Chapter 1089
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Credit: Toei Animation

Koby successfully splits the island monster’s hand into two, much to everyone’s surprise!

Grus follows up with Koby’s attack and uses his clay web to protect the passengers from the falling debris.

A teary-eyed Helmeppo catches Koby, and the two of them can’t believe what happened. They also managed to drop safely into Garp’s ship, including Grus.

Everyone rejoices at Koby’s incredible feat, saying how the prince saved them. Now, all they need to do is retrieve Garp in order to leave the island.

Garp addresses everyone on the ship through a Den Den Mushi. He wants everyone to withdraw from Hachinosu immediately, despite opposition from the passengers, including Koby and the others.

Garp argues that in situations like this, the safety of his men is always the top priority.

Besides, Garp believes that he will be able to figure something out. In addition, Garp thinks that their success in Hachinosu will prove to be a serious blow to pirates everywhere, so they need to keep moving forward.

He also asks everyone to never forget that they are all the future of the Marines.

Before the chapter ends, another story gains the world’s attention. But this time, it’s happening on Egghead Island, where Emperor Straw Hat Luffy is facing a siege on the island of the future!

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Here Are the Spoilers and Predictions for One Piece Chapter 1089

Here Are the Spoilers and Predictions for One Piece Chapter 1089
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Credit: Toei Animation

As of writing, no spoilers have been released for One Piece Chapter 1089. Fans will have to wait a week before trusted leakers start posting spoilers online!

But what is certain is that the events of One Piece Chapter 1089 will continue on Egghead Island!

As far as we can remember, Luffy and the others are working side by side with Rob Lucci and CP0 to fight against the seraphims!

There’s also the issue with York and her betrayal, while Bonney still can’t recover from what she found out about Kuma!

For the time being, expect to read more news and information prior to the release of One Piece Chapter 1089!

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