Mark Hamill Praises Alden Ehrenreich's Peformance in Solo: A Star Wars Story

Solo: A Star Wars Story may not have performed as expected in the box office, but a lot of praise has been going to Alden Ehrenreich for making the character of Han Solo his own. During panel with Mark Hamill, Ehrenreich gets showered by praise by the veteran Star Wars actor for his work on the movie.

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Hamill specifically points out the Sabbac scene in the film, and even does his own impression of Harrison Ford for the audience. The amazing thing about Ehrenreich's performance is that, it wasn't really an impression of Ford, but it was still very faithful to the character of Han Solo.

I may be stretching it here, but I have a feeling that in the long run, there will be a generation of fans who will actually prefer Ehrenreich's version of Solo to Ford's. Though Ford's version has had 40 years to settle into the heart of the fandom, Ehrenreich's Han actually has a lot more thought put into him. You think George Lucas was thinking about Han's rough upbringing in Corellia when he wrote the character for A New Hope?

I was a big fan of Ehrenreich's performance in the movie, and I'm looking forward to more adventures of Han Solo down the line. Hopefully Lucasfilm doesn't flub up the marketing next time.

Solo: A Star Wars Story is now in theaters.

See Also: Chewbacca is Wearing Armor in Concept Art for Solo: A Star Wars Story

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