Did Jack Dunphy Forgive Truman Capote in Feud: Capote vs the Swans Finale?

jack dunphy forgive truman capote
Credit: FX | 20th Television

jack dunphy forgive truman capote
Credit: FX | 20th Television

Did Jack Dunphy forgive Truman Capote in the endFeud: Capote vs the Swans sees to it that Truman redeems himself before his impending doom. One of his apologies involves making amends to one of his exes, Jack. Here's what happened.

What Happened to Jack Dunphy After the Break-Up?

jack dunphy forgive truman capote
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Credit: FX | 20th Television

Feud: Capote vs the Swans episode 8 titled Phantasm Forgiveness shows Truman redeeming himself by offering his sincerest apologies to every person he hurt when he wrote the La Côte Basque.

One of these people happens to be his ex, Jack Dunphy (played by Joe Mantello).

Jack was a playwright and author who was in a long-term relationship with Truman at the time. Despite Jack being the most calming figure in Truman's life, their relationship did not last long.

They went their separate ways the longer they spent time apart and perhaps realized that they were destined to trod on different paths.

However, it should be noted that given their mature breakup, this still sets Truman coming back to Jack as his platonic friend. Truman trusts this man still, even outside of their relationship.

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Did Jack Dunphy Forgive Truman Capote?

jack dunphy forgive truman capote
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Credit: FX | 20th Television

Jack Dunphy's forgiveness may have been one that required no words, which was shown in the finale of Feud: Capote vs the Swans. Set in 1984, the year when Truman Capote died, Truman comes over to visit Jack.

While Truman's ex appears hesitant to let him in (metaphorically and literally), Jack's partner Nick invites Truman himself.

At the time, Truman opens to Jack and Nick that he plans on finishing his manuscript, Answered Prayers, which he claims will be his apology to the Swans and the other people he hurt.

When Jack asks what happens if no one forgives him, Truman says, "People want both to forgive and to be forgiven" especially through heartfelt apologies.

By the end of the episode, it is Truman who asks for forgiveness from Jack and hugs him goodbye.

Though in silence, Jack has seemingly forgiven Truman, without the necessity of having to word it out to his fellow writer and former lover.

It is worth mentioning that despite the unresolved ending between Truman and Jack, the former trusted Jack enough to receive his trust funds and estate properties.

In fact, Jack was Capote's executor until his death at the age of 77.

All episodes of Feud: Capote vs the Swans are available to stream on Hulu.

READ NEXT: Was Truman Capote's Answered Prayers Ever Published? Manuscript History Explored

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