Captain Marvel Just Might Be One Of The Lowest-Budgeted Films In The MCU

There might be a whole lot of anticipation building up over Captain Marvel, but it looks like Marvel's very first female-led superhero movie might actually be one of the lowest-budgeted films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Though Marvel hasn't given away too many details regarding the production of Brie Larson's debut as Carol Danvers, the Louisiana Economic Development website has just listed the film with a budget of $152 million. Captain Marvel was partially produced in the state, so the report doesn't come as quite a surprise.

What is shocking however is the $152 million budget for the movie. In this day and age of Marvel movies, $152 million comes off as one of the lowest budgets in the MCU. Avengers: Infinity War was made at around $300 to $400 million. The budget for Avengers: Age of Ultron came at around the same range.

Though Captain Marvel isn't the lowest-budget movie in the franchise, it does come around the lower-end, close to the least expensive MCU movie, Iron Man (which was produced with a $140 million budget).

While we ought to take the new report with a grain of salt considering that Marvel didn't announce the Captain Marvel budget itself, the reported $152 million cost for the studio's very first female-led superhero movie definitely comes as a shock to the Marvel fanbase.

There's been a whole lot of excitement building up over Captain Marvel – why is the studio hesitant to pour money and invest in the movie? Knowing the studio's track record and the hype surrounding the film, a gracious investment in Captain Marvel would have certainly paid off. Is Marvel just trying to play it safe?

What are your thoughts on the low budget for Captain Marvel? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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