Avengers: Endgame Team Shot Actually Featured Ronin Instead Of Bruce Banner

It might still be a long wait for the next Avengers: Endgame trailer and so fans have been meticulously trying to read into the most recent teaser that aired during Superbowl 2019. Interestingly, one fan has found that the team shot in the video actually showed Clint Barton rejoining the Avengers.

The Reddit user enhanced the brief shot of the team walking in a line at the Avengers HQ and posted that it is actually Ronin following James "Rhodey" Rhodes in the teaser instead of Bruce Banner. Take a look at the photo below.

Endgame TV Spot shows Hawkeye/Ronan with the Avengers when boosted brightness & frame by frame. (Behind Rhodes)

So who exactly is missing from the shot? There are speculations that Marvel Studios had edited out Bruce Banner because it's actually Professor Hulk who is walking behind Scott Lang and Rocket Raccoon. This would explain why there is such a huge gap between Ant-Man and Rhodey.

It's certainly exciting to think that Banner manages to become Professor Hulk in Endgame. However, others believe that it might also be Captain Marvel, who is expected to join the Avengers in the sequel. After all, the Endgame footage that was viewed during the Disney shareholders meeting confirmed that Carol Danvers is ready to help the team.

These are all great theories but we need to point out that it's just theories for now. We would recommend taking this with a grain of salt.

The synopsis for Endgame reads as follows:

"Following the events of Avengers: Infinity War, the universe lies in shambles and the remaining Avengers and their allies must reassemble to repair the damage caused by Thanos and bring harmony back to the universe."

Avengers: Endgame will premiere on April 26.

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Avengers: Endgame