Avengers: Endgame Clues Suggest Captain Marvel Will Die in the Middle of the Film

Marvel has been very careful about their promotion for Avengers: Endgame, but with the latest trailer released, they may have given away the overall plot of the film. After some careful dissection, I've come to the theory that Captain Marvel will actually die in the middle of the movie.

Captain Marvel will Accompany the Team to Thanos "Garden"

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In one shot of the latest trailer, you can see that Captain Marvel is with everyone when they're blasting off into space. If you look closely, Black Widow's hair is still blonde in the photo, so you could say that this happens before the time jump when Widow's hair goes back to red.

It would make sense that Marvel would accompany them, seeing as she's spent the past few decades in space, plus she's boasted to be the "most powerful being in the MCU"—perfect for taking on a giant genocidal purple alien.

Why Have We Not Seen Captain Marvel in the White Uniform?

While we got a lot of promo images of the team in their white uniform, it's odd that we haven't gotten a look at Captain Marvel in the outfit. The only reason I could think that would make sense is that she's died by the time the team comes up with their Quantum Dimension plan.

We know that the team doesn't need the suits for space travel, so what else could it be used for but to travel through time?

How Endgame will Play Out (in Theory)

Basically I see the movie running this way: The team meets up with Captain Marvel, finds Tony, and they blast off to space to confront Thanos one more time. Unfortunately, they lose again, and Carol Danvers is killed, most likely by sacrificing herself for the team. The Avengers jet back to Earth, and lets the loss really sink in for a few years (Widow grows her hair out). Then they stumble into the Quantum Realm/time travel solution, and that will lead us into the third act.

It's not the whole story, but based on the clues we've gotten, this is as far as I can speculate.

Then again, some shots were said to have been edited to mislead the fans, so it's likely they just removed Carol Danvers from some shots. But here's the thing though, why would they hide Carol but reveal that Tony had come back to Earth? Wouldn't that have been the bigger spoiler? Why reveal the whole team but hide Captain Marvel?

Again, this is all just speculation on my part. The good thing is, we don't have to wait too long for the movie to come out anymore. Hopefully all our questions will be answered come April 26.

See Also: Scalpers Have Started Reselling Avengers: Endgame Tickets At Ridiculous Prices

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Avengers: Endgame