What is Ahsoka Tano's Kill Count?

What is Ahsoka Tano's Kill Count
Credit: Disney/Lucasfilm

What is Ahsoka Tano's Kill Count
Credit: Disney/Lucasfilm

Ahsoka is one of the most badass Jedi with amazing action scenes. But what is Ahsoka Tano's kill count?

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Here's How Many Characters Ahsoka Has Killed

Ahsoka Tano's Kill Count
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Credit: Disney/ Lucasfilm

If you're wondering how many Ahsoka Tano has killed, the answer might surprise you! Her kill count is over 4,000,000 -- if you count droids.

Before being completely shocked, note that the vast majority of her kills are Battle Droids, Super Battle Droids, and Droidekas.

Furthermore, more than 3,500,000 of these kills happened in Season 2 of the Clone Wars animated series, particularly in the "Weapons Factory" episode.

Like many other characters, even so-called 'good guys,' Ahsoka has killed a fair amount of unnamed guards (most recently in The Mandalorian) and some monsters, such as brain worms.

That being said, her kill count is still surprisingly low when it comes to living beings.

If you don't count any of the droids she's killed, her kill count would actually be under 100.

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How Does Ahsoka's Kill Count Compare to Other Characters'?

How Does Ahsoka's Kill Count Compare to Other Characters
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Credit: Disney/Lucasfilm

If you take the droid casualties into account, Ahsoka has by far one of the highest kill counts amongst the main characters in most Star Wars movies and shows.

Of course, this brings up questions about the extent to which droids are considered as living in the first place.

Moreover, we're sure that Emperor Palpatine -- and possibly even Darth Vader -- are probably responsible for many more deaths in the Galaxy, many of them not in battle, even if we don't see those on screen.

As far as the Jedi are concerned, Luke Skywalker has a fairly high kill count himself.

While the exact number isn't known, around 1,500,000 people were on the Death Star when Luke destroyed it.

If you don't count the droids Ahsoka destroyed, that's a much higher count without even considering Luke's other kills.

Has Ahsoka Killed Any Major Characters?

Has Ahsoka Killed Any Major Characters
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Credit: Disney/Lucasfilm

The vast majority of Ahsoka's kills are unnamed droids, with some unnamed guards and some of Maul's Mandalorians in the mix.

Her named droid kills include TX-21 and 4-A7.

The former was a military strategy droid serving Poggle the Lesser while the latter was a protocol droid working under Asajj Ventress. Both operated during the Clone Wars.

A more significant kill on Ahsoka's part would be Osi Sobeck, a commandant of the Separatist movement.

Ahsoka has also killed Dar, the leader of a hunting guild, and Clutch, another major member of said guild.

So far, Ahsoka hasn't killed a very major character, but this could change in the forthcoming Ahsoka show that will bring her face-to-face with Grand Admiral Thrawn.

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